Sinful Sunday 500th – For Molly!

Sinful Sunday Week 500 body scaping with Jeff

It’s a 500th edition of Sinful Sunday!!!

I’ve decided to dedicate this post to lovely Molly who is running this photographic project for who knows how many years now. It takes a lot of time and effort to run such a big project so I really would like to thank you, Molly, for your passion and dedication to this sexy community and people who adore what you do. I love Molly’s photography and I always find it inspiring. So I’d like to raise a glass and drink for you Molly! I wish you many more sinful sexy entries for Sinful Sunday and hopefully, you’ll make many more projects like that, because I know that people will love anything you’ll create.

When we got asked to be the sponsors of this special Sinful Sunday edition we were very happy to be involved in it. And we always support what Molly does because she’s a great friend for many years now. So I think this image is the best for this occasion. It wasn’t taken by me but by my friend Jeff who was creating a project about bodyscaping. It was exciting and very freeing to get naked in front of another photographer.

I feel like we’re celebrating a lot of sexy images the good and better ones but always sinful. It also feels like a birthday of a very good friend who will always be by your side because Sinful Sunday is every week no matter what. I wish for many more entries and many more celebrations like that. Happy Birthday, Molly! Happy Birthday, to all Sinfullers!

Love you, Molly!

Sinful Sunday week 500
Blog Post Sinful Sunday 500
Sinful Sunday

11 responses

  1. OMG stunning photo Monica !!!
    It’s got me tingling … and wondering how he achieved those amazing droplets.
    And nodding in agreement with your words too.
    Wonderful post !!!
    Xxx – K

  2. Thank you lovely Monika… I love you too. Also, damn these pictures are hot. Fairly sure I have not mentioned (a hundred times or more) that you have fantastic boobs


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