Godemiche Goes Live Streaming

We are going live on a device near you. Or maybe that should say we went live because on the 28th March 2017 at 10pm GMT we ran our first ever 3 platform live stream. We broadcast out on Instagram Live, Facebook Live and Periscope (Twitters live service) simultaneously. Now live streaming on 3 different platforms at once is not easy and given how many things could have gone wrong we were pleasantly surprised with the results. Did you tune in and watch us?

So Why ‘Go Live’?

Godemiche is a brand made by customers for customers. We started Godemiche because we found that other companies were not great at listening or responding to what their customers actually wanted. So, we set out to make what we wanted to have in our own sex toy collection whilst treating customers how we’d like to be treated. Live streaming fits into this ethos perfectly as it gives us the ability to instantly connect with you and also you to connect with us, we are real people with real lives and really do care about you as individual customers.

We want the ‘Live Broadcast’ to be a way that you can be included in what we do at Godemiche. So you can talk to us directly and help us to steer the sex ship in a way you want.

What Should I Expect From Godemiche Live?

Passion, profanity, chaos, news and a bit of a chin wag. All sounds a little blasé doesn’t it and that’s because it kind of is. You’re going to hear what’s happening with the whys and whens, you’re going to see the new things and most importantly we are going to be there to answer your questions, address concerns and blush at the complements.

For example, in last night’s live stream we introduced two new products, talked about our upcoming competition (which is now open Pastel Spring Sale and Competition) and our current spring sale and then finished it all off with a a live Q&A.

As a general rule the format will be the same each and every week with a mixture of news and information about us and our products followed by a live Q&A where you get to talk to us.

Will It Be Regular?

Yes, yes, yes!

Every Tuesday at 10pm GMT we will go live across the three platforms. However if  with time we get so many people joining in that it becomes unmanageable across the three platforms at the same time then we will move it to three days a week, one platform each day. Right now that’s not needed so we will carry on with the simultaneous live streams.

How Do I Join In?

Simple, all you need to do is follow us on any of the three social media platforms we broadcast live on.

Like Facebook? Then follow us HERE and watch our Facebook Live stream (works on mobile and also on a PC or Laptop)

Like Instagram? Then follow us HERE and watch our Instagram Live stream.

Like Twitter? Then follow us HERE and watch our Twitter Live stream using Periscope.

If you have any particular questions or suggestions for things you would like to see on Godemiche Live then please do leave a comment below and we will see what we can do.

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