The Final Plug

Here we are on the final stretch of the journey in bringing this product to market.

It all started at Eroticon when we asked people to help us design a new product. We listened to peoples suggestions and during the weekend Adam worked on those ideas and a new butt plug was born. Since then we have used that model to cast a mold and turn that design into an actual product. Now all that is left to do is give it a name.

Last week we are asked you to make your name suggestions and you did so in your droves with well over a 100 people coming up with various different names. Check out this post to read what we thought about some of the names we didn’t select.

We have spent the last few days pondering them all and have finally settled on our favourite four from the bunch and so now, it is over you again, to vote for the one you like the best and next Tuesday evening (9th May 2017) we will reveal during our Live Chat (10pm) which one got the most votes and will therefore be the name for the plug with no name.

Please only vote once but feel free to share this post with as many people as possible and encourage them to vote for their favourite name too.

So what are you waiting for, when was the last time someone asked you to name a butt plug?

[yop_poll id=”1″]

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