Selfish – Sinful Sunday

7.30am on Saturday morning and I am hoping that everybody will be still asleep and won’t notice a girl walking in her bra and pants on the bridge…

That could pretty much be the short description of this image but… there’s something more.

Taking self-portraits has allowed me to be selfish in a good way.

Weekends are time to escape from a chaotic house full of kids demanding my attention and all the usual boring household things just to be my own boss and the star of my lens for a few precious hours.

I am discovering myself through my photography and I like that part of me. I feel that nothing will stop me now, I am greedy for new images, the ideas of new projects are constantly dancing in my head.

Sometimes the excitement is overwhelming. But I love that feeling! I love to be selfish.




















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25 responses

  1. I have to say, I love absolutely everything about this image. If I weren’t already a sucker for low-key B&W photography, this one would certainly be one of the ones that got me into that particular form


  2. Everything about this photo is well done – tour pose is spot on, your choice of B&W is as it should be,- the backdrop is just right – you go girl…

  3. Monika, you have totally excelled yourself with this image and bloody hell woman you have amazing legs. As for being selfish, I think it is essential part of being a good Mum to know when you have to just take some time for YOU otherwise you risk forgetting who you really is


  4. That is just a FABULOUS shot – the pose, composition, lighting, the outfit: everything, in short.

    And, man, those pants and legs…

  5. You are damn right to take time for yourself, to be Monica and not just mom. And, I really love that you are selfish, because then we all get to see gorgeous images like this one!

    Rebel xox

  6. This is amazing! I am in awe of you managing to walk across the bridge in just your pants, and I am 100% with you on the ‘selfish’ thing: sometimes it’s really important to just have a bit of time to be you. I wouldn’t say ‘selfish’ but vital – it’s important to look after yourself, and with stuff like this everyone gets to benefit from seeing your amazing pics too! =)

  7. Damn – this is soooo hot. The lighting, the way you’re gripping the fence in front of you, the definition in your legs (they look *amazing* in those heels) – I can’t stop staring at this, It’s brilliant and rife with sexual tension!

  8. Wow! You have so much talent and are such a stunning model. I adore the, ‘I am greedy for new images’! I couldn’t have put how I feel about photography any better!
    Aurora x

  9. I like the juxtaposition between the “caged” environment and the freedom of your pose. The grainy texture emphasizes that contrast all the more. Fascinating image!

  10. Wow – Monika you have bloody fantastic legs <3 And yes, I completely understand exactly what you are saying – I too am constantly thinking of ways or places to take new images x

  11. Wow…just wow! I am always in awe of people that manage self photography and I really admire your bravery for walking across that bridge in your underwear.

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