Yes, Miss

Yes miss by Cara thereon story header. Picture of Monika leaning up against a white wall topless wearing purple strap on pants from Rodeoh and pink dildo

She watched me twirl the panties around my finger. As I approached the bed where she lay splayed open, her eyes skipped from the flash of the panties as they spun and the bounce of my naked breasts.

“Open those legs wider for me, little girl.”

Obedient little thing. The way she moved the moment I spoke made my cunt hum.

She bent those long legs up and then spread them so the lips of her pussy parted. Wetness dampened the hair that decorated her mons and around her vulva. The fact that she didn’t wax or shave, that the musky scent of her intensified, turned me on so much I wanted to lick her from clit to asshole. Later, I’d taste her and the thick cream she’d produced just for me. After I’ve fucked her.

I stepped into the panties, sliding them nice and slow up my thighs to settle them on my hips. They’re comfortable against my skin, the crotchless back let cool air tease my cunt as I bent over her. The band is thick and lays flat against my tummy. I considered grabbing a vibe to put in the secret pocket near the front, but disregarded that idea. I didn’t need any help coming.

Her eyes are on the panties now. I fingered the O-ring, enjoying the way her brown nipples tightened to harder points. She reached up to tease those trembling peaks just I reached the bed. I batted away her hands and slapped one breast.

“Did I tell you that you could touch yourself, little girl?”

“No, Miss.” Her long lashes swept low to hide her eyes, but she opened them quickly.

I stepped up on the bed, prowling over her body so I can lay a kiss on her lips. Her mouth is soft and tasted of the moscato I’d given her earlier. I deepened the kiss, tasting all that sweetness with my tongue until she started panting.

The dildo I picked is a vibrant pink color, opposite to the almost understated nature of the panties. I pull it from bedside table drawer and tap her lips with it.


Those full lips parted and I slipped the dildo into her mouth. She started sucking, her eyes holding mine as she took it deeper. Her tongue swirled around the head as I pulled it out. I pushed it back in, loving the way she gagged on it. She never once took her eyes off of me even as tears blurred her vision.

I’d never thought about having a penis, but the way her lips sealed around the fake cock had me thinking of her wet mouth in a different way.

The dildo slid into the O-ring with ease. Unable to stop myself, I moved up to straddle her chest. She knew exactly what I wanted, opening her mouth again so I can push into her throat one more time.

“Get it good an wet for me.”

Such a good girl. Her eager mouth and tongue worked the dildo again. She released it with a pop that made my clit throb and gave me the look of a woman who knows exactly what she’s doing to me.

I grab the lube off the bedside table and move me down between her spread legs. If it’s possible, she’s wetter than she was before. Her thighs tremble as I run my nails from hip to knee. Her clit pokes out from between and I tap it. The way her hips thrust up seeking my hand makes me chuckle. She gave a little whine.

“Tell me what you want? Use your words.”

Her breath hissed from her as I dipped one finger in her hot cunt.

“Please fuck me.”

I drizzled lube on her clit and her hips thrust up again. Grabbing the base of my cock close to the panties, I tease her with the head. She whimpers and tries to push so the head slips in.

“Uh uh. Beg me, little girl. Beg me for my cock.”

It was my cock. The way I held it, teased her with it, and the way it laid against my body so close. This was mine to wield and use on my girl.

She bit down on her lower lip and squeezed her eyes shut.

“Please, Miss, I need you. I need your cock inside me.”

The quiver in her voice pulled me in. I tapped the head on her clit, slid it down, and then pushed inside. Even though I couldn’t feel it, not her wet heat or the squeeze of her body, the way she gasped and trembled beneath me had me close to coming in an instance.

It took a few thrusts to figure out the rhythm, the movement foreign. Once I caught the tempo of it, I found myself gripping her hips and fucking her with rolling thrusts.

“Oh god.” Her whimpers turned into full blown cries of pleasure as I pulled her into me.

Her hands gripped my wrists, her short nails digging into my skin. She moved with me effortlessly.

I glanced down, watching as the pink dildo, my cock, entered and exited her cunt. She’d covered it in her juices, the surface glistened in the light.

“Oh. God.” Her words were desperate, snapping back to her face contoured in pleasure. “I’m going to come.”

“Come on my cock, little girl, do it.”

She gave a harsh cry and arched her back. I knew her cunt was squeezing for all it was worth. Her breasts bounced in the most enticing way. I leaned forward, careful to keep my thrusts steady, and latched on to one of those tempting nipples. Every bit of her tasted sweet.

When she relaxed, I slowed to a stop, leaving the dildo seated inside her. I kissed her lips, loving the dreamy look on her face.

“May I fuck you with the strap on next, Miss?”

Her cheeky smile was back and my cunt gave a spasm of agreement. Such a naughty little girl.


This piece was inspired by this beautiful image of Monkia wearing a RodeoH harness which was taken to celebrate the launch of us selling Rodeoh products.

Monika in rodeoh stapr on harness with red dildo

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