5 Common Questions About Prostate Sex

blue toned image of adam pointing at the words 5 common prostate questions

When I’m out at fetish markets I regularly get asked all sorts of questions but some of the most common ones asked revolve around anal and prostate play. What starts as a timidly asked question turns in to a cascade of other related questions people have around anal and I am always more than happy to answer them as best I can.

So in a bid to help as many people as we can we have decided to make a series of sex education videos which we will be posting on our YouTube channel over the next few months. We are focusing on the topics YOU most often ask us about starting this week with the all things prostate related.

Here are the 5 most common questions about sex and prostates that I generally get asked… and if you don’t feel like reading skip to the bottom of the page and watch our video for the answers instead.

What is the prostate?

The prostate is a walnut sized gland that is found between the bladder and the penis. It’s also called the p-spot and also the male g-spot.

What does the prostate do?

The prostate creates a fluid that’s found in semen. The fluid is added to the sperm as you ejaculate, think of it as helpfully lubricant that nourishes and helps sperm on it journey.

What is a prostate orgasm like?

Well you know how an orgasm feels, the moment you know your going to cum and it feels like the world slows down, you cum and you just feel relieved and a little spasmie, or is that just me? Anyway a prostate orgasm is just like that but some how amplified more. O an twinkly stars, you can’t forget the twinkling stars you get in your eyes, like with a migraine but intensely pleasurable. And there tends to be more semen produced as well.

How do you get to the prostate?

The easiest way is a finger up the bum. Your can find it by putting a finger up your your bum and curling it up towards your tummy. You don’t have to go very far into your bottom, only one and a half to two inches in. Curling your finger up a little will allow you to feel your prostate through the rectal walls. The prostate itself feels soft, squishy, the size of a walnut and it moves around a little as you try to touch it.

Why is a prostate orgasm so good?

I can tell you how it feels but past that really I can’t give a reason as to why it’s so dam good, it just is. You have to try it to fully know why. Nothing ventured nothing gained, but I’m almost certain that if you do venture and take your time your going to enjoy it.

Do you have a question you would like to ask us? Is there a topic you would like to see us tackle in one of our videos? Leave a comment here and you might just get a video made for you.

3 responses

    1. Hay Petra,
      Thank you for the comment. Yer the prostate gland is something that intrigue many people and it would be great to see more guys confidently and comfortably try it. Any little help we can offer in achieve that has been worth our time. Id love to be able to personally know the difference in feeling between prostate and g-spot, sadly we can both but only dream about it.

  1. I’m a woman and I’d like try a prostate massage on my partner. Sadly, he manteins old positions, where male partner penetrate and only female partner is penetrated. In my opinion, it’s a shame.

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