Skirt Up – Sinful Sunday

Monika upskirt picture for Sinful Sunday

I meant to share this image a while ago, but things got busy and I put my photography a little bit to the side.

It was taken back when we went on the holiday to Poland.

While the kids where sleeping we took the opportunity and left them with two grandmas to keep them safe, while we slipped out for a walk.

The night was warm and barely anybody around. There is a beautiful place in my town with a the tiniest chapel on top of the hill and a huge forest to walk.

Well this time we didn’t want to pray or either walk much further than here.

It was perfectly peaceful, just random cars passing by from time to time while I put my skirt up to show him what he can taste later…


Skirt Up - Sinful Sunday



Kiss the lips to find other entrie to Sunful Sunday

16 responses

  1. This image is PERFECTION…the hint of your face, the tease of your beautiful bum, the background and back lighting…the PERFECT photo!!

  2. Delicious photo. I love the angle of your arm holding up your skirt, framing your gorgeous bum and leading our eyes upward to your face and the trees.
    Indie xx

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