Bye Bye Pant’n’Moan Spring/Summer 2020

Bye Bye Spring Summer Pant n Moan Godmecihe Pantone colour

As we move into Autumn its time to say bye bye to the Spring/Summer Pant’n’Moan collection.

It’s been fun and thank you too all who helped name the 12 colours, but as the season come and go so too does the colour fashion trends. The Pant’n’Moan colour collection will be discontinued on Monday 21st September and be stored in our colour vaults.

So If you have been craving any of the Spring/Sunmmer Pant’n’Moan colours for your collection now is the time to get them, because where there gone, there gone.

As season pass, others arrive and so as we say bye bye to the Spring/Summer Collection we prepare to welcome the Autumn/Winter colour collection very soon.

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