Friday Finds #1

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One of the things we have always wanted to do with the blog on our site was make content that was engaging but was also educational and informative. We want you to come here and discover something new and interesting so with that in mind we have decided to start up a monthly round-up of interesting things we have read and seen on the internet over the last month or so to share with you some the content that we enjoy from other creators.

With that in mind, let’s get right on with this month’s Friday Finds

Dani Lessnau – The Artist Who Put a Camera Inside her Vagina to Take Pictures of her Lovers

When I saw the headline of this I was really not sure what to expect from this article but it is actually a fascinating piece exploring the artists motivation and exploration with their art and intimacy with their own body and their lovers.

The inspiration is multi-faceted. Part of it came from visceral experience in my own body and coming to terms with states of pain and pleasure. The other part was about coming to terms with being in a female body and navigating that in the external world itself.

My porn life: what my years as a sex writer taught me about my desires by Tracy Clark-Flory

Tracy Clark Flory has spent many years of her journalist career researching and writing about porn and the porn industry which has led her to spending years immersed within the porn world. In this piece she explores how those experiences have influenced and shaped her own sexuality.

“At the time, I was working as a feminist blogger and I struggled with the fact that these fictionalized videos eroticized the kind of real-world abuses that I railed against in my writing. But it became clear to me that the things that oppress or offend us in real life can be what titillate us most in the make-believe realm of fantasy. I realized that the only contradiction to my feminist beliefs was that I was not paying for my porn.”

In which he makes me say ‘please’ By Girl on the Net

Had enough of reading? Then I have the perfect solution for you… some utterly delicious audio porn written and read to you by Girl on the Net and if story doesn’t do it for she has a very extensive selection of other stories for you to pick from.

“I’m bound and naked except for black thigh-high socks: pretty much one of my favourite ways to be. After a brief dilemma about whether to wear a slutty outfit or a posh frock, I’d settled for ‘mediocre dress plus The Bracelet which signals he can rip my clothes off’, and he rips my clothes off with admirable confidence. Swift and sudden. One long rrrrip down the back and the dress is no more. When he grabs the flimsy fabric of my thong and yanks it apart with bare hands, the flesh of my arse jiggles in a deeply satisfying way.

I am already wet by the time he picks up the rope.”

Paddy’s Got a Sex Toy By My Mate Paddy

Yes OK this one is a little bit of self promotion but one of the things we regularly get asked about is for reviews on our products. We love it when customers leave their reviews on our products here but it is also great when people talk about our products and their experience with our company on their own blogs etc. On this occasion you can pick your poison, a podcast episode in which Paddy talks about his first every experience with a sex toy. Is he is fan? Well you will have to listen to find out but he has also written a fabulous review of the Kracken OffBeat on his blog so if you have a penis and are wondering about buying an OffBeat then this be of particular interest to you.

Picture posts

Now for something a little more visual. As part of Febraury Photofest a whole host of bloggers posted a sexy image every day on their blog for the entire month of February. We were delighted to see a some Godemiche toys crop up in some of these images such as this one (which contains nudity) Family Day out by A Leap of Faith, and this one Godemiche Family by Focused and Filthy.

That is it for this month but if you have stumbled across something fabulous on your wanders around the internet that you think we should feature in our monthly round-up please do send us a message and we will take a look.

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