Friday Finds 5

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It’s Friday and that means it is time for Friday Finds 5 where we bring you a round-up if interesting things we have enjoyed over the last couple of weeks

Dating after pandemic

Starting with this piece about dating after a pandemic. There have been lots of these piece written but most of them have focused on women’s stories. This one looks about men’s experiences and thoughts on the subject.

“But single men have also lost a year of connection, intimacy and searching for a partner. They, too, have contended with the feelings of isolation that come with being separated from friends and family. Of the 25 to 44-year-olds who live alone, almost 70% are male. In 2017, the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness estimated that 8 million men of all ages in the UK feel lonely at least once a week.”

The Peg is a toy plucked from my domme princess pegging fantasies by Love is a Fetish

Yes this one is a little bit of self promotion but also we know that new customers in particular look to read reviews from independent folks before buying so for anyone pondering a Peg and not sure if it is for you then this review by Nikki might help you to decide

“I like to say my favorite color is sparkly pink. So to own a toy that feels like it’s been plucked from my Domme princess pegging fantasies is, well, a literal dream come true. Need I say more about such a gift from the anal sex gods? Maybe not, but let me wax poetic a bit longer about this new little extension of my best self.”

I Want Men to Enjoy Strip Clubs Again

This is a really interesting piece about how boycotting strip clubs is not a way of being respectful to women but is actually wrapped up in issues of whorephobia.

“Breaking: You can respect women and enjoy strip clubs. You can literally do both of those things at the same time. In fact, if you think that going to a strip club sullies your good woman-respecting name, then — hate to break it to you — you probably don’t really respect women at all, since you can’t seem to bring yourself to respect strippers.”

A honest history of an ancient and ‘nasty’ word by Dr. Kate Lister

We are big fans of watching rather than reading. Sometimes finding the time to sit down and read can be tricky but watching videos while you make product is totally doable. We love this TED talk by Kate Lister all about the history of the C word!

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