Friday Finds #7

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It is that time of the month again. No not THAT time but Friday Finds 7 time where we bring you a little round up of some of the sexy, interesting, fun stuff we have stumbled across online over the last few weeks starting with….

Inside the High End Sex Hotels of Mexico City

So it might sound seedy but actually these places look absolutely lush and like a perfect destination for a fun weekend with a partner or maybe parnter(s). The only problem? They are in Mexico City but still, take a look and have a dream and maybe you can add this to your bucket list for future travel fun.

Kink of the Week – Gags

We know that lots of you are into gags because you keep buying them from us and so we thought you might like to check out some of the sexy posts that have been linked into the recent Kink of the Week topic of gags. There are even some posts that feature a Godemiche gag which is lovely for us to see

Use me

How about some sexy femdom themed filth to brighten up your Friday evening? Check out this delicious bit of flash fiction written by the wonderful Violet Fawkes

I Was Embarrassed By My Autosexuality — But Now, I Embrace It

Are you an autosexual? We had not heard of that term before discovering this article but as we are all about self love and pro-masturbation here at Godemiche we think being an autosexual doesn’t sound like a bad thing at all

That is it from us for this instalment of Friday Finds but if you have something you think we should include here or have maybe even written something yourself you would like us to take a look at let us know in the comments below

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