Friday Finds #11

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Welcome to Friday Finds 11 where we bring you a round-up of things we have discovered on the internet during the last few weeks. So let’s share…

Guest Post: My First Pegging Session

As you know we are all about the joys of pegging here at Godemiche so we were delighted to see this fabulous guest post on Girl on the Net’s blog about a first pegging experience.

I’d been worried I wouldn’t have enough energy to keep thrusting, but his enjoyment turned me on so much that I managed to find my reserves. I fucked him extremely lustfully that night (twice!) and I hope to one day be able to fuck him as hard as he fucks me.


This year Smutathon, the annual erotica writing extravaganza, will take place on the 15th November and this year they are raising money for charities that support and are led by trans and non-binary people. As a result they have recently published a series of guest blog posts written by trans and non-binary people about their various experiences. We couldn’t pick just one to showcase here to have linked to their whole blog feed and recommend you go and read all of them when you have time.

What Is The Point Of Marriage Now, Anyway?

Good question eh? We were intrigued by this piece and interested to see what conclusions they came to. Is marriage about love and romance or is it about property and finances….

“Marriage, traditionally, is an economic arrangement. It’s only in our very recent history that romance has come into the equation. What’s interesting is that, while married women have more protections than ever, those who don’t marry but cohabit – who we know make up a growing proportion of the population – find themselves with fewer financial protections should things go wrong, because couples who live together in Britain but are not married are not protected by common law. The legislation, it seems, hasn’t kept up with our preferences.”

Women’s Thighs Are the Hottest Thing in the World

Now that is surely a title to grab attention. It definitely worked on us and we have to say we fully 100% agree with Emma in this statement.

“It didn’t take long for TikTok to start serving it up to me on the regular. Thick thighs, jiggly thighs, firm thighs – a super fucking hot smorgasbord of thighs. I watched so many thigh reveals that this song was stuck in my head for days.”

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