Meet the Madman and Madam of Godemiche

In just a few days time we will be strutting our stuff and showing off our many coloured wares at Eroticon 2017. We are utterly delighted to be sponsors of this fabulous event again this year. The sex blogging/writing community have played a key role in our development over the last year or so and we are thrilled to not only be supporting them but also getting to spend time networking and connecting with this talented group of people again.

With that in mind check our video below because we have plans for the weekend and they definitely involve YOU!

However before we get to that point Molly has organised a virtual meet and greet for everyone to join in with, including us, apparently, so here goes…

NAME (and Twitter if you have one)

Adam and Monika also know as Monika and Adam our twitter is @GSilicone

What are you hoping to get out of Eroticon 2017?

We come not looking to take from Eroticon but add to, we find it counterproductive going anywhere wanting to get something from it, we much rather go with open eyes and a willingness to learn new things or see new opportunities. Not to look for the golden egg but acknowledge the paths leading towards the golden egg.

This years schedule at Eroticon is pretty full on but which 4 sessions do you already have marked down as ones you want to attend?

Adam – Pitching your ideas 101 and Hashtag sex work, you can never know too much and ideas are not always that easy to come by in your hours of need so any small idea, thought or technique is always welcomed after all you don’t need to do them just to know you can.

Monika – Sex Blogging as Feminism and social justice, I see a large movement in sex blogging and I’m fascinated how openly women can talk about sex now, how important it is to be so honest with yourself in front of the other people and taking part in the conversation.  Also I put my mark on the Twitter, Sex Work and Whores of Yore – social media and sex are the things that excites me a lot! I’m always researching and trying to be up to date with the social platforms. So this topic is great for me!

Tell us one thing about yourself that not many people know?

Adam – OMG for someone who lives his life in front of a camera there are occasions where other people remember more about my life than me. I was a firebreather back when I was 17 that was fun

Monika – Back in my teenage life I used to watch a lot of movies. One particular film caught my attention – it was Striptease with Demi Moore – I wanted to be like her.! Everything about the dance and the character impressed me so much that I thought it would be a very sexy and interesting job to do in the future:)

If you made the papers, what would the headline be?

Adam – The Sun – What a Cock-a-doodle-do, The Times – Charging Up The Rear In Business, The Daily Spot – She Left Me For A  Dildo Named Adam

Monika – Adam is the man when it comes to put a name on.

If you could have one skill for free (I.e. without practice/time/effort) what would it be?

Adam – I’d love to be a polyglot and speak any language I wanted or a wiz kid mathematician, both skills I struggle with and would undoubtedly benefit from.

Monika – I’d love to be more self confident , it would definitely help me with all areas in my life.

Complete the sentence: I love it when…

Adam – You’re all quiet, I don’t get much quiet time, silence would be a fantasy, but I do also love it when my balls are licked but that has to be noisy so that’s a contradiction.

Monika – Everybody is asleep, the house is peacefully quiet and I can read a book for an hour without interruption and just enjoy myself, I also like the weekend escapes and to enjoy ourselves alone again.

Eroticon 2017

2 responses

  1. You’re both so awesome it’s genuinely tricky to pick which bit of your intro made me laugh the most, but as I’m a fan of the pun I think ‘Charging Up The Rear In Business’ was my fave bit. Can’t wait to see you both and excited to see your rainbow display of dildos again!

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