Pivot Prostate Toy

If you google ‘Pivot Prostate Toy’ or ‘Pivot Prostate Massagers’ you’re not going to find much. That’s because it’s actually a term I’ve always used to better explain the subtle differences between the two different styles of prostate massagers available on the market today. Although there are many styles of prostate massagers they can almost all be put in to one of two categories ‘Pivot’ or ‘Static’ prostate toys.
I started using the word pivot because its exactly what these massagers do and it allows me to explain things in such a way that you know what to expect during use and also at the point of climax.

So what is a pivot prostate massager?

A pivot prostate massager, when inserted uses your own body to create a movement from a pivot point, the movement requires no batteries and increases with your arousal. It’s as good as it sounds.
A pivot massager is generally made from a solid medical grade polypropylene (plastic) popular choices are the Nexus Neo and Aneros Helix Classic. Some of the more luxurious pivot prostate massagers come coated with medical grade silicone such as the Nexus Helix SYN and are not quite as rigid at the plain plastic massagers.

These prostate massagers are rigid (with the exception of some silicone coated prostate massagers), are very simple to use and easy to clean after use making them a great first prostate toy.

How do they work?

Once inserted pivot prostate massagers use your bodys own muscles to stimulate your prostate, you do nothing other than enjoy the feeling. This pivot action comes from the clever design that uses the natural flexing action of your perineum. Don’t know what I’m talking about, well try it yourself! Take your hand and place two of your fingers underneath your balls on the soft fleshy bit of skin that goes towards your bum. Once you have found it push a little bit with your fingers applying pressure, then tense, the feeling is like your trying to suck your bum up. You will feel that the soft bit of skin swell, this same thing happens when you are aroused and have an erection and its this simple thing that makes a pivot prostate massager work all on its own. Its a pleasurable circle, when you’re aroused your perineum will swell and as it swells it forces your prostate massager to pivot and pressure is applied to your prostate, this makes you more aroused, your perineum swells and so the pleasurable circle continues until hopefully you orgasm. What’s really nice about this circle is I personally find the waves of pleasure increase and the crescendo is always a powerful orgasm.

My personal opinion

This is my favourite kid of prostate toy, it’s very simple to use, very easy to clean and it can be enjoyed alone or together as a couple, it’s just a great toy.
Tip: This is how I like to introduce guys to prostate play, because once the simulator is inserted you can have any kind of sex you would normally have. It’s guaranteed that when you climax with the massager for the first time and all you see is stars and this lightheaded drunkenness comes over you, the words you will utter are ‘O my god, that was good’.

Pivot Prostate Massagers

There are many different prostate massagers on the market, all of them are different in size, shape, material, colour etc, so there is no perfect massager just the perfect one for you
Below are my recommendations on pivot prostate massagers, but please do remember the prostate will slightly change depending on your height and it will also help to have a little understanding about where your prostate is located to really get the best out of a prostate toys.

Aneros Helix SYN

Aneros is one of the only medically patented products on the market and the Helix SYN is one of the most luxurious male prostate massagers on the market today. The Helix SYN has a thick layer of silicone over a plastic base, the silicone gives the Helix SYN a beautiful soft velvety feel while the internal plastic base keep it rigid enough for prostate play. The Helix Syn has a sharply angled stem and large bulbous head to provide a more aggressive prostate massage, for better prostate orgasms.
The perineum pressure bulb also comes coated in silicone, it is quite flat like a coin and has been redesigned to apply more pressure to the perineum.
The Helix SYN is as simple as a prostate massager can be, but it is packed with small features that add dramatically to the overall feel and experience. This extra does come at more of an expense but you really are getting your moneys worth.
The Aneros Helix is a perfect prostate massager for the very beginner, its small/medium size will allow you to feel a good amount of prostate stimulation but not an excessive amount, like with solid plastic massagers. It is very durable if used and cleaned correctly.

Aneros Helix Classic

The Aneros Helix Classic is the classic Aneros that the Helix SYN was designed on but at a more affordable price.
The Aneros Helix Classic is a solid prostate massager that is made of white medical grade plastic. The sharply angled stem and large bulbous head provide a more aggressive prostate massage that is more noticeable with its solid plastic design.
The Aneros Helix Classic also comes with a circular perineum pressure bulb that applies more pressure to perineum during use.
Overall the Aneros Helix Classic is a top of the range prostate stimulator (without silicone) for beginners that will last along time and you can use with any lube. I would say if you’re spending money on an Aneros, look to spend that little bit extra and get the Helix SYN.

Nexus Glide

The Nexus Glide is a solid plastic prostate massager with a large perineum pressure bulb at a very affordable price.
Made from plastic the Nexus Glide is a very strong and durable prostate massager that is virtually indestructible. It can be used safely with any lubricant without fear of damaging the material it is made from. The whole massager has a textured finish to it that gives the Glide a smooth feeling.
On the shaft, the Glide has a noticeable tip on the head of the prostate massager, this tip is designed to apply extra pressure to the prostate and a large thick shaft will give you a fuller feeling that also helps to keep the massager inserted.
At the very base of the Glide there are three rings that add extra sensations to the anus but also helps to prevent the prostate massager from slipping out.
The perineum pressure bulb is a metal ball, quite like a metal marble, that evenly applies pressure across the perineum and feels great.
The Nexus Glide is a great inexpensive beginner prostate massager that will last you a very long time. If you are looking to experience a good prostate orgasm on a budget then the Nexus Glide will do exactly that.

What if I want a different prostate massager?

I have had the privilege of using many different prostate massagers on the market, including the three above starting with the Nexus Glide, because I too was on a budget and unsure about prostate pleasure. My personal favorite pivot prostate massager would now be the Aneros Helix SYN, it has been my go to for over 3 years, it’s very comfortable and feels great.
There are many more pivot prostate massagers on the market but the three I have talked about here are the ones I feel confident recommending as a result of my own personal experience with them. I have enjoyed using all three and believe they are a great choice for beginners to have the best possible prostate experience.

Feel free to leave any questions you have below in the comments or your can email me ([email protected]) and I will reply as soon as I can.

One Response

  1. Nice post on pivot prostate massager, how it works and all about it. A pivot prostate massager, when inserted uses your own body to create a movement from a pivot point, the movement requires no batteries and increases in your arousal. Some of the more luxurious pivot prostate massagers come coated with medical grade silicone such as the Nexus Helix SYN and are not quite as rigid at the plain plastic massagers. I have no more idea about this. Last month I bought one from LoveCubby and enjoy a lot. Thanks for sharing.

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