Live Chat 4th July


We would like to sincerely and profusely apologise for our stupid and thoughtless comments published in our Instagram story about pubic hair.

As a company we are always striving to make a positive change and challenge people beliefs regarding sexuality supporting the message that everyone has the right to a healthy, happy and positive sex life whatever that might mean for them.

Main Stream Media

While watching the channel 4 program ‘Naked Attraction’ we fell in to the trap of incorrectly naming the female anatomy after the presenter on the show asked the question ‘Are you a fan of a shaved vagina?’. If as a company in our position, who should know better, can easily make this mistake then clearly others are likely to fall in to the same trap. Not only can WE learn from this experience but we are in a position to help influence change, to educate others and to be one of the bridges between the sex positive movement and the media.

LAM Cancelled

Rounding up this week, late on Saturday evening, Adam went to load stock for London Alternate Market and was involved in a car accident only 300 yards from our home. There were no serious injuries, however the incident has left our car out of action. Every effort was made to replace or hire a vehicle but as it was late on a Saturday evening everywhere was closed.  If you were one of the many asking where we were on Sunday, we apologise for not being there but will definitely be in attendance on 6th August!

6th July our Independence day

We know 4th of July is Independence day, but the 6th of July is our Independence day. The 6th of July 2016 was the very first day we went to work as business owners with no other source of income other than what was generated thought GODEMICHE. People call this ‘the leap’ and I think that’s a good analogy. It is as heart pounding as leaping off a cliff but the fall lasts for months and months. The leap is scary and has been fraught with highs and lows, tears of sadness and infectious outburst of laughter.

We will be celebrating the 365 days of GODEMICHE that you have all been experiencing with us and offering something back in return.

Live Q&A

What would the live chat be without a live Q&A. Questions addressing the matters in our Instagram story will not be answered, enough has been said and a formal apology has been issued.

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