
We would like to sincerely and profusely apologise for our stupid and thoughtless comments published in our Instagram story about pubic hair.

As a company we have always strived to be the best we can, to make a quality product, to give excellent customer service and to promote and be part of an industry in a sex positive way. We believe that everyone and by that we mean EVERYONE has a right to a healthy, happy and positive sex life whatever that might mean for them.

We also apologise for the delayed response in putting out this statement, at the time of realising our mistake we were out at an event where no mobile phones were allowed.

We have let ourselves and the community down, worse we have angered and upset the very people we set out to please and help, for that we are truly sorry. We will strive to learn from our mistake while continuing to make the positive changes we are making in the industry.

We are and will continue to be a customer driven company that is socially immersive, seeking to educate, stimulate and actively participate in movements that benefit all aspect of sexuality and the adult industry.

We again sincerely apologise to all of you.

Adam and Monika

2 responses

  1. I think the saddest thing is that the apology clearly doesn’t dispel the idea that people who have hair are disgusting. It’s personal choice. Unfortunately you can never take back your view. In many ways your apology is worse as it is clearly done as a trade perspective. Shame I thought you were a decent company. I don’t feel dirty because I have hair. I feel empowered as I am not a sheep following sheep

    1. We are very sorry for what happened and we have learned from this mistake and will continue to learn going forward. Over the next few months we will demonstrate our commitment to making positive change and hopefully repair the damage we have done.

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