6 Myths Porn Has Taught Us about Squirting

With all the intrigue and mystery surrounding the topic of “squirting” along side the wide spread belief it is the zenith of sexual achievement and ecstasy, it’s little surprise that it has become such a popular and widely searched category within the porn world.

According to the detailed set of insights recently published by Pornhub, “squirt” was one of top 10 most searched terms in the United Kingdom in 2016. Squirting is also one of the most popular categories overall across the Pornhub website, and interestingly the term “squirting orgasm” is one of the most commonly searched terms by women.

Despite its popularity and the vast amount of pornographic footage it’s featured in, squirting continues to be a highly misunderstood natural sexual phenomenon, and the way it is continually represented in porn hinders rather than helps its cause.

Here are six common squirting myths you might believe as a result of what you see in porn:


1. Squirting is the same as urination

A female ejaculatory response can manifest in two ways; female ejaculation or squirting.

Female ejaculate is produced from the two paraurethral glands, known as the Skene’s Glands, located at the bottom of the urethra. These glands are also known as the ‘female prostate’ and the fluid produced is chemically similar to, and even looks like, male ejaculate (minus the sperm). Comparatively, when squirting or ‘gushing’ occurs, a larger amount of clear water-like fluid is expelled from the urethra.

So much wasted time is given to the ongoing petty debate over whether squirting and female ejaculation are valid, or whether female ejaculation is the “real deal” whilst squirting is just peeing.

This ill-informed ‘peeing’ stigma keeps sticking tight despite the numerous accounts from she-jaculative ladies who know from first-hand experience that squirting is an entirely different bodily function to urination. Moreover, that the fluid produced does not smell, look or taste like piss.

As with many ironic and straight-up stupid idiosyncrasies of life, a natural bodily phenomenon which is shamed by many as being “gross” or “weird”, is at the same time touted as a unicorn sexual experience. Consensus from the general public is split between viewing squirting as “gross,” and wanting to know how to do it, and wanting to watch it.

Ironic much?

2. The squirting you see in porn is always 100% real

Unless you experience squirting as a part of your own sex life, there’s really only one place you can easily access (supposed) depictions of squirting. That’s right: porn.

Only problem is, all is not what it seems.

Thanks to the high demand of squirting videos in porn over recent years, adult film stars have adopted tricks and developed techniques in order to fake squirting. The vast majority that is depicted in porn is usually nothing more than well-orchestrated urination. No wonder so many people have got the wrong idea about squirting; what they seeing in porn isn’t even real.

A popular technique porn stars use to imitate squirting is over-hydration: drinking copious amounts of water and taking electrolyte powders before filming in order to produce a spray of clear fanny fluid on demand. Some will also fill their vaginas with water prior to the scene starting, and train their vaginal muscles to release the fluid at the pivotal moment of climax. This doesn’t give us an accurate representation of squirting, and let’s be honest it’s probably not too healthy either.

3. Everything you see in porn is fake

Similar to other common misconceptions about the porn industry (i.e. that all adult film stars hate their job, only do it for the money and all orgasms are faked) some of the depictions of squirting that you see in porn could, in fact, to be real.

As mentioned, the majority of squirting is staged through tactics such as inserting packets of water into vaginas to shoot out at the crucial moment in a scene, or drinking copious amounts of water to ensure thats urine comes out with the same appearance as ejaculative fluid.

However, there are women who genuinely have the ability to squirt and it’s therefore not too far-fetched to believe that some of the footage of squirting – particularly amateur – is real, and that some porn stars are experiencing genuine sexual enjoyment whilst having sex in front of the camera.

4. Squirting always involves gushing a fountain of liquid

Unlike what you might have seen in adult movies, squirting doesn’t always mean spraying an enormous torrent of lady juice from one side of the room to the other.

What is actually excreted in terms of fluid can range from a few drops of a milky, slightly viscous excretion, to a full blown gush of clear liquid; in fact, what’s emitted can be any variant between these two extremes.

There’s a chance you may have experienced female ejaculation or squirting in your own sex life without even realising it, especially if you participate in heterosexual coital encounters. How would you realise you’ve she-jaculated if the volume of sex nectar is not substantial enough to be noteworthy? And more to the point: if your juice is so blended with the mix of male ejaculate and other sexual excretions, you’re most likely to just assume it’s all coming from him. Chances are that if a pussy is particularly juicy, it may have female ejaculated to some degree.

5. Squirting is always accompanied by an orgasm

Porn unashamedly insinuates that squirting is proof of sexual climax, and goes hand in hand with an earth-shattering orgasm.

This is not always the case, and contrary to what adult films would have you believe, squirting can happen at any time during sexual play. And while most women who squirt will agree that it generally accompanies a highly pleasurable sensation or great sense of relief, it won’t necessarily coincide with you orgasmically screaming the house down.

6. You need deep penetration to be able to squirt

Just like everything in life; food, wine, clothing, and female orgasms, every woman has her own preferences and we all like something different. Every pussy works in its own way, and every woman is stimulated by different things.

While a vast number of women attribute their ability to squirt with G-spot stimulation, the G-spot isn’t always easily accessible during penetrative sex, and a penis might not be able to reach the pivotal spot to stimulate it. Fingers, or sex toys usually have a far greater success rate.

Similar to the findings in a recent study, which reported that for 1 in 5 women sexual intercourse alone is not sufficient for orgasm, deep penetration from an oversized throbbing cock won’t necessarily cause a woman to squirt.

While there may be some depictions of squirting in porn which are true to life, and some adult film stars genuinely have the ability to produce lady juice on command, it’s important to remember that most of what you are seeing is fiction.

Keep in mind that if you’re watching a porn star writhing in sexual delight and gushing a stream of fluid across a great distance, it’s likely her squirting stamina has been greatly assisted by special effects and clever pre-planning.

19 responses

  1. Excellent post – I’ve only squirted a few times but have not orgasmed on these occasions, Really like your explanations. I would be quite happy if I had never squirted – as long as I can orgasm and pleasure my man then I am happy…

  2. I myself drove two women to squirt and it was quite amazing! The quantity of fluid expelled was much more than I expected and it sure wasn’t urine.

    1. Where did the quantity of fluids come from? There is no other place in the human body that can produce a large amount of liquids other than the bladder

  3. I have discussed this topic with a few webcam models who regularly squirt. Some just pee. Some put a small bladder of liquid inside their vagina and pierce it with their nails at the appropriate time.

  4. I feel like there’s two types or parts of my orgasm; one where I get that earth shattering full body sensation of YES which includes that brilliant pulsating and then one where your whole body tenses up and you squeeze and squeeze and- if i’m hydrated enough/wet enough/the wind is blowing in the right direction- I’ll squirt. As stated above- it’s not the huge gushing amounts that you seem to see in all the porn videos and I can really only do it once (maybe twice) per session but with my womanizer starlet it’s now SO EASY.

    If you want to experience either/both of these orgasms I can recommend anything from the Womanizer clitoral stimulator range and try it with your partner/a dildo inside you at the same time for another level of WOW. I had never orgasmed until this bad boy came along and now I do it all the time with the toy and/or just my partner. I went from no orgasms ever to squirting very very quickly.

  5. My special lady is a squire. I love being able to make her squirt so many times. I’ve been looking for a lady for years that I can tear that pussy up. I love to eat a womans pussy. Within a few minutes I can have her climbing the walls. Squirting comes out a few different ways its creamy at times then it’s a clear liquid. And depending on how much you are tearing it up she can a d will shoot that dhit across the room. We can goat it all night or day. We’re in the bed the floor,all over a car. We can start in the front seats and while I’m eating her pussy shes all over the place. We have pure raw sex anywhere any time. Sex with her is the best that I’ve ever had. And she has the prettiest little clit. Just give me a few and I can get any woman to squirt.

  6. I see videos where a woman uses a rubbery dildo(usually huge) then squirts massively, and I always think to myself; Well the dildo is filled with water like a squirt gun!(NPI). Do they think we can’t figure that out! But I kinda like it when my porn insults my intelligence. New fetish

  7. As an older man, I can tell you two things, its real and it comes in many varieties. I am fortunate to be married to a very sexual woman. We had sex for quite a while before she discovered she could squirt. Sorry to blow your ego’s guys, its more about her than you. Technique certainly helps but mood, attitude an attention to details matter. I am very average in size. She certainly has had bigger lovers. But safety and trust matter a lot. I have had one other woman who could squirt, and one more who, as I look back on it, could have but was “afraid she was going to pee” and never let herself go.

  8. written by someone who can’t squirt lol. I think you have no idea what squirt is, it ain’t urine

  9. After being together for years, my wife and I have discovered squirting too. When she’s in the mood, the right stimulation can have her release fluid when having an orgasm. Sometimes its a small stream, sometimes a large gush.
    The fluid is always yellow-ish and it definitly tastes like urine though, so for me the myth that it comes from the bladder still stands

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