Conscious – Sinful Sunday

Conscious - Sinful Sunday

It’s 6am and there’s no time for sleep anymore. I want to get rid of my clothes and be closer to the nature…

Let me just lay here under the beautiful tree and just breath the clear air for a bit.

I just want to forget about everything and be conscious of this moment. It’s perfect.

The sun touches my pale skin and it feels so empowering knowing that someone might see me.

The excitement got me and my nipples are hard. Come closer to the window and see me, I don’t mind.

Let me just lay here for few more minutes… just a little bit more, I want to feel more…

Kiss the lips to check who was Sinful this sunday

10 responses

  1. This has really grabbed my attention, I want to BE you!! The daring! the sunlight! Your lovely neat breasts and inviting nipples! The frothy dress which is so feminine and innocent, belying what you are up to wearing it! One of my favourite #SinfulSunday shots ever!

  2. This is one of your best shots yet Monika. The focal point on your breast is perfect and the way the light is catching the white material gives it a really dreamy quality


  3. This is absolutely stunning. The nymph like feel, the warm sunlight bathing you but your nipples give away a slight chill in the air.

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