6 Tips for Giving a Great Blow Job

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Giving your partner a really great blow job should be a wonderful thing for you both. Often performing oral sex is something that happens as part of other sexual activity which is fabulous, but making a blow job the main event at times is a powerful and sexy thing to do and if you do it right will have the penis owner in your life smiling from ear to ear. But how do get sucking dick right?

Assume the best blow job position

For you as well a for your partner comfort is definitely a huge considerations however yours is definitely the key to making sure you suck good rather than just suck. If you are in an uncomfortable position you will find very quickly that you start to fidget and your discomfort will distract you from the task at hand, or should that say mouth?

Find out what they like, if they tend to like being in a more dominant position then them standing or sitting while you kneel might be the best option, but if they like you to be the one in charge then maybe having them lay while to sit over them would work better. Experiment and find what feels right for you but don’t be shy about saying you need a cushion for your knees if you decide to kneel. The more comfortable you are the better blow job you will deliver.

Work up to it

A blow job shouldn’t really be a job at all, it should be a pleasurable and fun experience for both parties and building up to it is part of making that be the case. You don’t want to go straight in there and try to get it over with as quickly as possible but instead take your time to build up some anticipation. Just like any type of sex building up to it is important. Start with kissing, undressing your partner, and finding a comfortable position for you both. Maybe think about whispering in their ear how much you are looking forward to tasting them or that you like the sounds they make when you suck them.

Once you have removed some or all of their clothes, take your time to build up to the main event. Use your mouth and hands on other areas first, their stomach, nipples, thighs and buttocks before starting slow with some gentle licks and then starting to take their penis into your mouth bit by bit. Don’t rush it, focus on the whole experience.

Use more than just your mouth

Despite a blow job being oral sex the best suck jobs in my experience involve more than just sucking and licking his cock, they involve using your hands and sometimes even toys to add to the whole experience before you even get to the oral stage you might want to start by using your hand to stroke them but even once you have started using your mouth you can alternate between hands and mouth. This can help reduce jaw ache for you but also switch up the sensations for them and can also be a useful way of edging them if that is something they are into. You can bring them right to edge of coming and then stop and slowly use your hand until they calm down a bit and then do again. Remember though this not every penis owners idea of fun so talking about what they like beforehand is always a good idea.

When it comes to toys many penis owners really enjoy the sensation of a vibrator on their balls, thighs, shaft of the their penis and for some men the spot on the underside of the head of their penis can be a really intense sensation. Mixing up using your mouth and a vibrator can achieve some mind blowing results. Of course you could also try using our Off Beat penis masturbator. The Venti is designed so you can use this round the base and shaft of the penis whilst your use your mouth on the head of his cock. Trust us when we say this will definitely make for a blow job to remember.

Great Blow jobs are about more than just the penis

Just like blow jobs are about more than just your mouth on their dick it is also about more than just giving their penis pleasure.

The balls are a very sensitive and using your mouth and hands there whilst giving a blow job is a great idea. Licking, sucking, tugging and massaging on them can be hugely pleasurable. Don’t forget to pay them some attention too. Also the area of skin between the balls and anus, which is called the Perineum, is another area to pay attention to, you can of course lick the but also running a wet finger over that bit of skin whilst you are sucking on their penis will mostly likely have them moaning and bucking their hips in response

Finally you can also incorporate anal play into a blow if your partner enjoys that, so again explore the idea with them beforehand because surprise anal is never a good idea. However if they are into it then you can think about using your finger to stimulate that area, remember lube is an essential part of pleasurable anal play but you could also think about using a butt plug for some extra added stimulation while you concentrate on using your mouth on their cock.

Communication and enthusiasm

The best sex tends to happen when you communicate about what you both like, but of course sometimes you might be with a new partner and you might not have managed much talking in which case communication in the moment is really important. Asking a partner if what you are doing feels good is always a good idea as well as paying attention to their physical responses to help guide you with what they really like. Learning how your partner likes to be touched is key to giving them a great blow job.

Another vital part of giving a really incredilblet blow job is for you to be into it. If your partner senses that you are not really into what you are doing then they are probably not going to enjoy it as much as if they can see you are excited and turned on by giving them pleasure. Eye contact can be a really good way of showing your enjoyment but also talking. Using your hands is an ideal time for you to tell them how much you enjoy the taste of them or how horny it makes you to hear them groan with pleasure or how much you are looking forward to bring them to orgasm.

The big finish

Spit or swallow? That really is up to you. There is a misnomer that a really great blow job also involves the person coming in your mouth but that is just not true. The key is how you go about changing that. If you don’t enjoy someone coming in your mouth or swallowing their cum then direct it elsewhere.

As you feel them getting more and more turned on you can tell them that you love it when they come on your tits or how much you enjoy watching them ejaculate. Telling them to jizz all over you is definitely a sexy thing and you have re-framed what could be a negative thing, Don’t come in my mouth, into a positive thing; I want you to come on my tits.

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