Light the dark

SinfulSunday light and dark Blog post banner

I love taking pictures in the dark, its a good job really as there the only images Monika always get made to take for her.

Using light to cut thought the darkness to tell a story is challenging but always worth the effort. We were using a pink/purple back light to bring out the silhouette but it just didn’t feel quite right. So we changed to more contrasting yellow light (opposite to blue on the colour wheel) and it made all the difference.

I personally absolutely adore this image and how it shows off Monika’s body; the shape, the curves, it’s all attractive to me from the fingers to the toes. The slight leak of light under the arch of the foot, the delicateness of the fingers and how the light wraps around and bleeds through. The curve of the neck, the peak of breast, there are so many subtle things that make my mind run wild with filthy thoughts.

But what about you, what story do you see?

Love naughty images then I recommend you click on the lips and check out all the offerings on this week Sinful Sunday.

Sinful Sunday

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