Bullet Vibes – Not just for your clit

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Bullet vibes have been a staple of the sex toy industry for many years now. These tiny little bundles of buzzing delight have been marketed at those folks with a clitoris as the ideal little toy to keep in your bedside draw and your hand bag. It is a toy that for many is a feature of their partnered sex too as it’s size makes it the ideal vibe to slide between your bodies while you are having sex. The bullet vibe is without doubt a wonderful thing but even more so when you consider that it is actually a really versatile little toy that can be used in a variety of different ways.

Butt Stuff Bullet Vibe

Let’s start off with a don’t. Do NOT insert a bullet vibe into your anus and anyone else’s anus for that matter. It is too small and does not have any sort of base on it that would prevent it being lost up side you. It is not remotely suitable for anal insertion but…

It can definitely be used to provide stimulation around the whole butt area. Think of it as a rimming vibe. Use it all round the opening of your butt including trailing it up and down the perineum which the bit of soft sensitive skin that runs from the butt hole to either your testicles of your vaginal opening depending on your genitals. A bullet vibe can provide wonderful buzzing stimulation on the whole area and make a change from fingers and tongues and can be especially useful if you are not into using tongues in that area.

Nipple play

Nipples are amazing things when it comes to sexual play but also often neglected. Given a cursory once over on someones way to other areas of the body. Doing that is missing out on an amazingly receptive and responsive part of the body and using a bullet vibe directly on to nipples can be hugely stimulating. Also try exploring round all the breast tissue. For those with breasts the underside of them can be very sensitive too and for those without breasts well try exploring too because you might be surprised by the response you get.

Love the labia

Yes we know the bullet vibes are traditionally used on those people who have clits but whilst they are probably not ideal for insertion into the vagina as they are too small they can be used all over the external genitals. Slowly trailing up and down the labia and in all the various folds of the vulva can be a great way to ease into using it on the clit building up the sensation and the anticipation for what is to come.

Tingle in the testicles

Bullet vies are not just for folks with clits. Because of their small size they make ideal toys to explore all sorts of body parts with and testicles or balls as lots of people like to call them can be very receptive to tingly vibrations. Try combining a bullet vibe on your balls whilst your stroking your cock or during partnered sex it can be used to provide an extra little something during oral sex.

Penis playtime

Of course it doesn’t have to be restricted to just the testicles either. A bullet vibe up and down the shaft of the penis is, I can assure you, a wonderful thing and if you have never tried it then you definitely want to pay very special attention to the area directly underneath the head of the penis where the foreskin meets the shaft in a sort of v shape. Known as the frenulum it is hugely sensitive part of the penis and well let’s just say vibrators are not just for clits. The penis owner in your life will be grateful that you did.

All over the place

That is the wonderful thing about bullet vibes. There small size makes them so very versatile. Not only can they be easily kept to hand but they can be popped into a pocket or hand bag and used in all sorts of potential situations to bring a little buzz to things but also they can be used all over the body. Try experimenting. Armpits on some people can very sensitive and also running one up and down the spine that give people that delightful little shiver as all your nerve ending tingle in response. Same with necks and wrists and the soft skin at the top of the thighs and into the groin. Go on an adventure with your bullet vibe and see just which parts of your body are delighted with the attention.

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