Mutual Masturbation – Why you should wank with your partner

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Masturbation is something we tend to think of a solitary affair. It is often portrayed as something people do as a result of not having a partner or when a partner is not feeling like having sex. It is a substitute for partnered sex. But that is an inaccurate view. I mean it can be those things but masturbation absolutely has a place within a relationship too both a solitary activity but also as a shared activity. So let’s talk about mutual masturbation

Wanking with your partner is hot but if that is not reason enough here are some other thoughts on why you should make mutual masturbation a part of your shared sex life.

Get you know your partners body

Watching your partner touch themselves is the perfect time to study all their moves, after all no one knows their body like they do and watching them masturbating gives you the perfect opportunity to see what they do so that you can take some of that sexy knowledge and use it when it comes time for you to touch them.

Pay attention to where they touch themselves and how but also take notice of things like their breathing and the sounds they make as clues as to what really hit the mark for them. Of course don’t forget that what we like and need can change depending on mood etc so what you learn should be added to a repertoire of things rather than just assumed to be the one move they all want.

Show your partner what you like

Some people find it really hard to communicate you their partner how they like to be touch and sometimes if you have been in a very long term relationship partners tend to fall back on the staples that always seemed to work rather than try new things. Just like watching your partner give you an opportunity to learn about them, them watching you means they can discover those things about your body and if you find it hard to article what you like, well this is the perfect moment to show them step by step what works for you.

It is a bonding and intimate experience

Not only is watching your partner and having them watch you incredibly hot but it is also a wonderful bonding and intimate activity that can help to bring you closer together. Whilst it can be easy to lose yourself in partnered sex mutual masturbation is an activity that very much keeps you focused on each other as well as your own pleasure.

There is something very intimate about watching a partner touch themselves. For some people it can feel very exposing to the extent that they might feel uncomfortable doing it but doing it together and sharing in that experience can help to break down those feelings and create a bond between partners as you try something new and exciting together.

Reach for those sex toys

Having a wank together is the perfect time to get out your sex toy collection and see which ones you each tend to reach for or if you don’t have a sex toy collection then introducing mutual masturbation can be the perfect time to bring up the subject of sex toys and purchase something for each of you to enjoy together.

In long term relationship in particular it can be really easy to get stuck in a rut and do the same sex things together most of the time. Watching each other getting off can not only give you ideas for changing things up but can remind you of how you can use your sex toys during partnered sex as well as solo sex. Sex toys are such a powerful way of bringing added pleasure into your lives and showing your partner and likewise watching them, use one can give the toy and you a whole new lease of (sex) life.

Putting the spark back into things

Basically watching your partner jacking or jillying off is really fucking hot. Seeing someone touching themselves and bringing themselves to orgasm creates a feedback loop of desire that can help to fire up your passion for one another and your respective libidos. Masturbating itself can be a powerful way of increasing your libido especially if it has been waning slightly. Mutual masturbation is like masturbation but just even hotter and so the chances are that sharing this time together will help to put the sparkle back into things if it has been missing and if it has not, well, no one is going to complain at even more sparkle than normal are they now?

Do you like to watch your partner wanking whilst you do the same thing? Do you do it at the time same time or take turns or maybe the idea makes you uncomfortable. We would love to hear your thoughts and experiences when it comes to mutual masturbation so please do leave us a comment and let us know what you think

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