Back at the beginning of March we attended Eroticon, a conference for sex writers, bloggers and other creatives, down in London. We had a fabulous weekend meeting up with loads of industry people sharing what we do at Godemiche with them and making a new product. Yes, we really did make a new product whilst attending an event.
When creating new toys I have a purpose in mind, a reason for making it with a goal or objective to achieve. All our products have been designed under that umbrella and this one was no different. Before Eroticon we took to Twitter to ask you what you would like us to make and the overwhelming message was for a new anal toy. There was suggestions of shapes and textures and so with all that in mind we set off to London to attend Eroticon and make a new product in the process.
It’s very unlike me to actually ponder over drawings I tend to just allow my hands to work and feel their way to a basic shape and those of you who were at Eroticon you will have seen me wandering around talking while my hands just did very thing, occasionally looking to see what was forming but mainly just feeling my way and by the end of the weekend the initial design for the new product had been born.

Made entirely of clay and two large marbles for the bulbous sections on the shaft. The bulbous section are 1.4inc/3.5cm wide and the smaller narrow sections are 1inch/2.5cm wide
and the plug is 5.1 inch/13cm long with a usable length of 4.5inch/11.5cm. But clearly we had a way to go yet before we had a finished product.
Since that weekend we have worked on getting the new plug from the initial clay model stage to a ready to go to market product but it is still missing something and that is where you lot come in again. This plug was created because people asked for it and so it seems only right that you all continue to be part of the process of getting it on sale and give it a much needed name and in return you could end up being the proud owner of one of these new plugs.
This will be a two step process. Firstly we want to hear your ideas so leave your name suggestions for the Plug With No Name in the comments section below. Then in a weeks time we will go through all the suggestions and pick the four names that we like the best. Those four people will all receive one of the Plugs With No Name as a thank you and then it will be back to you guys for the final vote. We will post the four names and you will all get to vote on which one you like the best and at the end of the voting period the name with the most votes will be the name that this product shall ever more be known by. Oh and the person who suggested that name will get to select which colour they want their plug to be made in.
Terms and Conditions
1. Competition will run from the 22th April to midnight on the 29th April 2017 (UK time)
2. The competition is open world wide
3. You can make as many name suggestions as you wish
4. The 4 winners will be the people who suggested the 4 names that we decided to put forward for the public vote. They will each receive one of the plugs
5. The three runners up (those who’s names don’t win the public vote) will get the plug in a single colour of their choice and the person who suggests the winning name will get to pick any combination of colours for their plug.
6. First round of 4 winners will announced on the 2nd May during our Live Chat and be notified by email on Wednesday 3rd May
7. Final winning name will be announced during the Live Chat on the 9th May and notified by email on Wednesday 10th May
So what are you waiting for, get your thinking caps on and leave your name suggestions in the comments section below.
113 responses
To me, it looks a bit like a droplet about to hit the surface of the water, and cause a ripple…
So maybe, “Droplet” or “Ripple”? Would look cute in blue! 🙂
Aggie – to follow the ‘A’ naming scheme and to reference the original marble prototype.
It has the look of a corkscrew…..
It looks so much fun, as for a name what about:
Anal Grapes
Double Pluggle
Double Delight
Angelic Rune. As it looks like the symbol. Or call it a Rune name and you could then have a whole Rune ‘collection.
Pluggy Mc Plugface
: )
I think it would be cute to call it Lustre, since the prototype was clay, and lustre is a style that leaves a metallic finish like many of your colors.
Staying with the theme of names starting with A ~ Axel 🙂
It reminds me of a cruet stopper.
So my name would be, 2 stage stopper.
Okay, I’m taking the marble concept and running with it.
– Marley (an alternate term for marbles)
– Popper (a term for a marble that is bigger than the other marbles around it – also perhaps appropriate because I imagine there would be multiple popping sensations when using this plug!)
– Keepsie (a term for when someone playing marbles gets to keep the marbles they win)
– Bombsie (this is when you try to drop a marble from above to land directly on top of another marble – which also is sorta illustrative of the design of this plug!)
Double Bloop.
Or as this was created at Eroticon… what about intocore? Bit strange but it’s an Anagram of Eroticon and sounds like intercourse.
(The) Abstract
To me it looks like a Bishop wearing his hat. So I would call it “Bishop” lol Also because I love a controversial name 😀
Adams Joy
Double whammy or wham bam??
Sticking with the Bishop/religious theme, what about Holy Diver? … lol
The Bubble Butt Plug! 😀
Call it Plug it! simple and trendy
As I posted it on twitter I best put it here, You gotta call this little guy Duck Down because it’s all I see when I look at it
My suggestion is Addison, which means ‘son of Adam’
I think its quite fitting as it was made by Adam and it fits in with the ‘A’ theme of the Adam and the Ambit
Xeslana 😉
Double Trouble
I asked my OH and he suggested Rhino 🙂
Nighttime Gnome.
Golden goose.
Backdoor lover.
Two times a partner.
Pecker (looks like the beak of woody woodpecker 😉 !)
Adore (staying with the As)
Alug (A-plug – get it…?!)
I think either ‘the Spile’ as it looks similar to one or the ‘Rawl plug’ because I like the way it feels on the tongue.
It reminds me of icicles and dripping water, so The Icicle Plug?
Here’s 4, ABCD :))
– Allure
– Billow
– Cascade
– Double Bubble
I’d call it…..Honey Thunder!!!!
Trichrome, Satin Frost, The Dazzler, Holy Pearl
Several suggestions:
– The Scope, bc reference to the Ambit and to investigating/exploring
– It looks a bit like a peanut to me, with its two bulbs, so (still in French bc of your brand) Cacahuète or Ararchide, if you want to stick with the A naming scheme
– Still in French and an obvious nod to your brand: “miches” is outdated slang for “butt” so you could call it the Amiche as an obscure portmanteau for “buttfriend”
Arachide, that is! Typo!
Midus touch butt plug.
Pleasure golden plug
What about Adonis? Sticking with the “A” theme?
I would call it “tears of joy” because the two sections look like tear drops. And I’m sure that putting that one in for the first time will bring a tear to someone’s eye 😉
Sticking with the “A” theme
Aglaia , goddess of beauty, adornment, splendor and glory (I really like this one)
Ania the spirit of “ache, anguish”
Aphrodite, goddess of love
Astraea the virgin goddess of justice (quite like this one)
Atlas was the god of endurance (like this too)
If it was conceived at Eroticon, might a fitting name be Arlington? Or you could stylise it to Airlington or Arlingbum…
I think the name Apex would be wonderful! Or the French translation, Sommet, is also great.
Duplo is short and simple.
Dubliss/Dobliss/Doubliss is cute.
The jackhammer
The bubble butt plug
My birthday is the deadline. 🙂 April 29th
The Double Bubble Butt Plug
The double knot butt plug
Double Decker Butt Plug
I would name it “Molly”.
Double Bust Butt Plug
What about Anal Delight?
A.N.O. (Anal negotiating object)
Call it ‘Habana’…named after the chili-sort. Makes it possible to go on for a whole serial with different chili names.
I immediately thought of “SMOOTH OPERATOR” 🙂
Me : Desire.
OH: Golden Tempo.
I’ll keep it simple then: “Goldfinger”
Recognizable, (in)famous and…golden ofcourse:)
ANALISA sowie Monalisa halt, was besonderes für die anale Region.
ANALISA – klingt sanft und schön
Würde ich kaufen in zartem rosa mit pink
Gold digger cause it looks like a drill thing
My thought is
Twice As Nice or you could shorten it to TAN
How about The Assistant? 😉
The Ambassador!
its shape looks like a gnome so i think “naughty gnome” or ” gnome fairy pleasure”
“The Dibber” or “Double Dibber” – since it’s vaguely reminiscent of the gardening tool used to make a hole 🙂
Tap Dat
(In a Sentance) Have You Seen The New Tap Dat Butt Plug From GODEMICHE?
Astrid, to keep with the ‘A’ naming, and Norse for divinely beautiful.
The Apex
My boyfriend tries to be a comedian most times and we decided that the name Ass Goblin suited it perfectly since sex can be fun and hilarious are times.
The Wave!
The Gemini – two bumps are better than one 🙂
Plug Deux – two in French.
Plug Mee
Lustfull Duet
Two Times Stretchy
The Bobbin? (secretly livid that someone got to Assistant before me)
Gold finger!
Ahhhh I have loads going through my head lol but I’ll go with:—
The Blue Dabbler.
Get to the Point.
The Blue Bumper.
Ahhhh I have loads going through my head lol but I’ll go with:—
The Dabbler.
Get to the Point.
The Bumper.
Aurum – it means Gold
Knuckle Buster
Blush – looks like it could stay put quite well and be comfortable to wear for longer durations, giving it potential to be worn underneath clothing outside of the house
Your desription of the modelling process made me think of the famous scene from Ghost – so throwing ‘Patrick’ out as a wildcard!
– or now that you have “The Peg” maybe “The poke”!
Lumpy space plug
Bump buddy
Complete Dominator
Gnome, definitely.
Two For Joy
Double Trouble
Twice As Nice
Fingers crossed to those who get chosen. Will be voting for my fave name for this new product.
How about “Janus” after the two-headed or double faced god roman god (as the plug has two distinct bulbs.)
sticking with marbles. What about Jack?
The Arrow
Peapod plug/P-pod plug/Beanpod plug
T-plug – it looks like an upside-down letter T.
The Rocket
Space Needle/Space Probe
The Curves
“Pleasuredomes” inspured by “Welcome to the Pleasuredome” the album by Frankie Goes to Hollywood!
I like “Tom”, after Tom of Finland.
For some reason I keep thinking of it as Paul…
To me it resembles a wine key, corkscrew or a key. So my suggestions are:
Screw (or Screw You!)
and for the “a theme” – Achiever or Achieve
The People’s Plug (since it was designed with input at Eroticon)
Double Dipper
Bon Bon
How about Artemis? Greek goddess of arrows and hunting!
The Key?
The double entendre.
The asstronomical?
You know, like saying “doubling” really fast 🙂
Gold Rush
Or Gold digger
Découverte -French for Discovery
Butt Yes
My initial thought was “Pleasure Pearls” or in French “Perles de plaisir” to go with the company name of Godemiche
Perles is nice an succinct for a name too.
But I really like “bouchon” (French for cork or plug)
The spark plug. Because it reminds me of an actual spark plug and can be used like a butt plug. All the plug.
looks awesome to me