Proud to support Pride

Godemiche silicone sex toys Proud to Support Pride Blog Post Banner

Can you believe it is June already? We are officially half way through the year which is a bit scary though but there are  far more exciting reasons to welcome the month of June and that is because it is Pride Month.

Last year we had our Pride Auction where we are made six of our beautiful Ambits, each one sporting different pride colours. We had a Gay Pride, a Transgender, a Bisexual, a Genderqueer, a Pansexual and a Polysexual dildo and we auctioned each one off. Every single penny that was raised from that auction was donated to the fabulous Albert Kennedy Trust, a UK based charity that offers various help and support to young and homeless LGBTQ+ people.

This year we wanted to build on that success and make our commitment to supporting LGBTQ+ people something that we do all year round and not just for the month of June and so today we are launching our ‘Proud to support Pride’ collection. This collection of Ambit dildos will in the same Pride flag colours as last year, Pride, Transgender,  Bisexual, Genderqueer, Pansexual and Polysexual BUT they will be available in the original colours from last year and in a sparkly jazzed up colours too.

For every single sale of a Ambit Proud to support Pride Collection we will donate £10 to a Pride positive charity or cause. Every 3 moths we will total up all those sales and donate whatever has been raised to one or two nominated charities. To get us started we have selected the first two, Stonewall in the UK and PFlag in the USA but later this year we are going to ask YOU, our customers and fans, to select the organisation you want to see us send the money to. So 4 times a year we will make donations to different charities that you want to support with your purchases.

We really want to make a difference, support those who need it and include our community in the process all year round. After all why should Pride only be proud in June, why not all year round!

Have fun and stay colourful

Adam and Monika.

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