Come Closer with a Sexy Massage

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Today we are going to talk about sexy massages.

We are not masseuses and we are not trying to be. A sexy massage should be about bringing yourselves
closer together, through touch, skin to skin contact.

As it’s all about touch, with your hands being the tools of pleasure, so let’s look at the three parts of
your hands you will be using.
1. The palms of your hand, the very bottom part of your hand just above the wrist, its more fleshy
on the side of your thumb and a little less on the opposite side.
2. Your thumbs, mainly the top half of your thumbs.
3. Your fingers, the whole length of your fingers, pressed together for applying pressure or more
relaxed for gliding across the body.


You’re going to need some sort of oil, we like to use a Lush massage bar to get started then a silicone-based lube. We move to a silicone lube because it’s a great oil for massage and it allows us to move into a more sexual massage effortlessly as the lube is already on.
Tip* It’s obvious, warm the oil or massage bar before applying, nobody likes a cold shot they are
not expecting. Once you have warmed the oil up, softly and carefully put it on your partner.

Sitting Position

If you’re like us you’re going to be doing this on a bed, so your likely going to be by the side of your
partner or rested across their legs. Find what’s comfortable for you both and start from there. After a while, you will likely want to change your position because your knees or back will ache, so alternate between your positions. But its your massage, so find a couple of ways of sitting you like and alternate between them.

Long strokes

To start, gently put your hands on the bottom of the back and travel upwards towards the shoulders. At the neck, roll your hands across the shoulders, down the side of the chest and pull your hands slowly down the sides up to the butt and back to where we started.

Keep repeating this until the back is thoroughly oiled.

Thumb rolling

Once your partner is relaxed and oiled you can start using your thumbs to work away tension. Using small, firm stokes work around the base of the neck and the top part of the shoulders.

Remember to ask your partner if the pressure is ok as you massage.

After working across the base of the neck, begin to slide one of your thumbs along the grove next to the spine. Work in short, firm strokes stopping at the middle of the back, gliding your hands back to the top of the neck. As you one thumb finishes start with the next.

Try mixing the two up ever couple of minutes.

Spine circles

Starting at the base of the back, using the top of your thumbs, make short, deep circles up either
side of the spine. When you reach the top lightly glide them back down and start again.

Remember to keep check that the pressure is ok for your partner as you change the massage.

Buttocks Kneading, plucking and pulling.

Ah the butt rub, everyone can enjoy this and there are three ways of rubbing that tension away.

Kneeding, this ones super simple and very rhythmic when you get going. starting at the top of the buttocks kneed (like pizza doe) gathering bits of butt in one hand after the other. Doesn’t sound sexy but it feels and look great.

Plucking, you’re not trying to make your partner scream, but using your thumb and index finger pick up flesh in a quick and regular rhythmic motion. You will find that with oily hands its almost impossible to actually pinch here  and it does feel rather weird but feels really nice for your partner receiving the massage

Pulling, You are best swapping up your position so your sat beside your partner for this one. When your ready, with your partner facing down you need to take one hand and place it around the front side of the body. You then with a sort of cupped hand you slowly and firmly pull your hand up. You hand will slide around the hip, across the butt and end at the beautiful butt crack. As one hand finishes the other starts, keeping a slow and steady pace going but always having one hand on the body.

Now experiment

You’re now oiled up, rubbed all over and feeling relaxed. It’s time to experiment massaging different parts of your partners body. Take some time to explore together and it can be as relaxing or as sexual as you both allow it to be.

Other relaxing massages can be a head massage or foot massage, both are a really good way to release tension.

However if you’re both feeling hot and sex try massaging the chest or the legs working around the inner thighs.

We are all unique and like different things so really explore together, find out what each other likes or
dislikes. Find out what drives them wild, maybe its slow circles around the nipples, maybe its quick
plucks along the inner thighs or maybe its a foot massage with a little lick of the toe.

You won’t know until you try.

Massage and sexual massage is consensual. As the person giving the massage, you should
always make sure your partner is comfortable and happy.

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