
Flawless Banner Post Sinful Sunday

One of the rules I set myself when starting to take pictures of myself or somebody else is to show the real bodies. Not the perfect body beach models from the cover of the magazines but the real people, because the beauty is in a variety of the bodies, not the polished versions of the ‘how everybody should look like images’. So this time I’ve decided to expose myself to all of you. To be honest I think that the way the body curves is so beautiful that we should see more of it and not be ashamed of having them. Let’s celebrate all the body curves!

So here is my flawless belly on its own beauty. Hope you like it as much as I do.

Sinful Sunday Flawless

If you want to see more sexy images just kiss the lips

Sinful Sunday

15 responses

    1. Thank you very much? I’m glad you feel that way cause that was my intention. I want everyone to feel that it’s ok to have curves and body fat here or there cause it’s natural.
      Thank you for your comment lovely ?

  1. Yes, the real beauty of people is the most beautiful thing out there no matter their shape. I think you portray that beautifully here. I love how you’re in the centre of this picture and absolutely do not shy away with what you’re presenting here

  2. This is a beautiful image, Monika! People say there is no such thing as “perfect” but we are all perfect in our uniqueness.

  3. Real images are often the hardest to take and to love but you’ve nailed it here. It’s beautiful simple symmetry in black and white make it a really timeless image. I love it.
    Missy x

  4. Wow! I love this. I think we forget to see what others see when we view ourselves. We are perfect, we just need to believe it.

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