Your Masturbation Stories

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Earlier this month we asked you to share your masturbation stories with us so that we could post a series of theme here on our blog to mark both #MasturbationMonth and #InternationalMasturbationDay which is on the 28th May.

We are big advocates of wanking here at Godemiche. Not just because we make sex toys but because we know that self pleasure is good for humans in so many different ways but we want to try and challenge the stigma and shame that is still often attached to masturbation. We thought sharing a series of YOUR masturbation stories about getting yourself off would be one way of doing this so here are your wanking stories….


My imagination builds the pace as my Godemiche teases my clit, my maturbation story is the dream I exuberantly concoct in my mind as the slickery toy slides inside me:

“When you wake …this is what I’m going to do, slam you up against a wall and slide down your body til my face is over your cock. You will sigh so deeply as I devour you, licking and twirling my tongue over your end, seeking it’s hole, lapping at it, breath hot over you.

The moment I choose to push my mouth slowly down your shaft will weaken your knees, your hands wil tangle my hair and pull my head back, your eyes will lock into mine as you moan into them. My fingers run down your inner thighs, causing you to thrash your head back against the wall, you utter a delicious sound! I suck on your tip, my lips solid around it and I simultaneously pump over it, just the end, no more. My hands gripping your shaft, moving lightly over it, twisting, stroking.

I squeeze your balls and your hands still tangled in my hair grip harder, your throat ready with a roar, your moans building, your cock so hard in my mouth, I taste pre cum but make you wait.
Thrusting your length to the back of my throat, I stop. You rest in my mouth, throbbing. I breath gently, look in your eyes and start swallowing. You feel my muscles sucking and rippling on your cock You are being driven insane with lust, my throat milking you.

Then I feel it, a build up of tense, hot intent. At the exact point that you cum I pull back, and let your sweet seed hit my cheeks, I plunge back down again and suck you dry, eating you and humming with pleasure. The stickiness on my face runs down to my chin, I wipe it off with my fingers and smear it on your chest, you kiss me, tasting your seed. I lick at your chest, cleaning you.

My eyes smile as I see you hardening ready for me, this day is our day.”

The ebb of my self-love orgasm, my gasp of pleasure and the sweet sweat droplets mingling in tangled hair, awakens my lover, I whisper:
“this is what I’m going to do….”

Anonymous C

So a quick story …
There’s an adult performer I really like ..

She’s relatively new / newish to the industry but had done sone great scenes with some major companies .
She also has an Only Fans site .. After regular chat and messaging and after sending her tips , we began messaging privately .. and before anyone says … You idiot … you’ve been scammed !! Folks I haven’t .. I’ve even chatted to her BF .. a really cool guy .

So I sent her a gift for her birthday .. a nice bracelet.. which she loved .. and said she’d do a custom video for me to say Thank you .. and Would I please send her a pic or video of a cum tribute !! Omg !!

The custom was amazing .. seeing her strip out of really lovely lingerie ; playing with her lovely tits and nice hard pink nipples .. and her yummy pink pussy .

I had never ever done a cum tribute for Anyone ! But wtf !! Why not ..stroking my stiff , thick cock as I watched her .. imagining me sucking on her lovely tits.. stroking harder and faster on my stiff cock .. until I came !! Thick spurts of cum over my bed sheets ; cum running down my still stiff cock !!
And all filmed !! And sent to the very cute young lady ..Who loved it !!
And .. me getting hard now just thinking about it 🙂 Think I need to wank out some more cum 🙂

Anonymous I

It was a response to the poll – Are you masturbating more now than before the lock-down?
I seem to be going all day! My i-watch actually doubled my exercise I thought I had done. When I looked, it was because of my personal play time ??? shhhhhh ??  

I have been like … when the fuck did I do all that exercise … ooooppps … I take my watch off now. I feel like I’m seen ?? 

Anonymous Z

I remember one time when I just couldn’t sleep anymore and it was very early morning. I didn’t have much to do and so I’ve grabbed my small vibe and went to another room. I was feeling horny that morning and the only way to release that energy quickly was to watch some porn and wank under the blanket so nobody could hear me. So I’ve found my favourite threesome scene and I started to masturbate. It was quick and exciting and I love how the vibrations traveled around my body. The thought on the back of my head that somebody could catch me spiced things up even more. Oh, that morning just made me smile for the rest of my day.

Anonymous G

“They’re so pretty! I want one so bad!”

I was sitting in my bed, on the phone with my friend Alice. We had decided to look on the website Adam and Eve and explore the endless realm of sex toys. I think I was 14, and this was my first encounter with anything of this nature.“I know right! OOH, that one’s so cool! How does it work?” We were both enamored by the colors, and shapes of all the possibilities. Hundreds upon hundreds of bright pink and purple toys that were engineered just for us. Neither of us had the money to purchase any of these toys, but we could still dream.

One day, my mom deposited money into my account and I decided to buy flavored condoms. They arrived discreetly at my house, and I snuck them into my drawer in the bathroom. For some reason, I was terrified that my mom would find out. Maybe she’d think I was having sex? Maybe she’d think I was a slut? So I kept the whole thing very quiet. But eventually, my mom called me upstairs and we had the talk.

“Soo, I found this on the bathroom floor.” She held up one of the condoms and I immediately spit out a list of excuses. “I promise I’m not having sex! I just wanted to play with them! I-“ My mom interrupted me. “I know you aren’t silly! I’m glad that you’re playing with this sort of thing. I’d rather you learn how they work now so you can be safe later!”

I was flabbergasted. I had spent all of this time worrying about what she would think, and how she would react. “What you order is your business. I’m cool with it.” A realization dawned in my head. “What if I wanted to order something like a sex toy?” “Like I said, it’s all your business.”

So on March 4th, 2017 I ordered my first dildo. It was 20 bucks on Amazon, and I still have it to this day. I found out later that I wasn’t developmentally ready for a toy like that yet. My body just wasn’t quite as ready as my brain thought I was. Just recently, I’ve been able to use vaginal toys without any pain. It was so worth the wait.

The point of all of this is that if you want something, go for it. Spend your time and money on what you want. Life is too short to not have good sex toys and amazing orgasms

Anonymous D

Going through a messy divorce-in my mid 40s, lost a lot of weight, couldn’t sleep , no libido, hadn’t been intimate with anyone for well over a year. I felt so sad and lost. On a whim I bought a vibrator.I was not feeling anything but thought I would try and “awaken”. It took a while , but that first orgasm while it made me cry, reminded me that my body and mind deserved to be loved and cherished. I’ll never forget that moment I “found myself “ again. I learned to love myself and I’ve never looked back since.

Anonymous B

The beginning:

I use masturbation as a reward to get things done. If I can’t keep focused on something or keep putting that something off I will often tell myself that i’ll get a reward; Ooo what kind of reward? A celebratory wank. I’ll also add in time restraints and an alarm for example, you have 1 hour to complete this task or no wank. 

The middle:

What ever I have been putting off or just ignoring gets completed in record time. 

The end:

The amazing thing is every time I give my self the reward of masturbation the thing I have been putting off gets finished in record time. Not only that I’m so focused that I will often get more work done than I was planing so its always been a win win game for me.

2 responses

  1. Congratulations to my fellow writers! It takes real inner self assured love to reveal such secrets! Thank you g-silicone for the opportunity to exercise our writing muscles, more to be released from my #Erotic mind! Nicely done ?

  2. Thank you for sharing my story ^-^. I love how you are working to destigmatize masturbation. Keep doing your absolutely amazing work, and I’ll keep buying slightly concerning amounts of your dildos. 🙂

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