Winner, Godemiche – Adult Shop Of The Year

Yes it is true we have been awarded Adult Shop Of The Year by the Prestige Awards.

We never started Godemiche to be liked, to win awards and we defiantly didn’t do it for the money!

We started Godemiche for us, to help people like ourselves, people who enjoy sex, enjoy sex toys and those who wanted more colour in their sex life, to offer something more than the standard plain pink, purple and black.

When we first received a phone call from the Prestige Awards informing us that Godemiche had been nominated and won ‘Adult Shop Of The Year’ we were shocked, then delighted and then went and Googled it to make sure it was real. After all its 2021 and people will con you about anything. A quick look and turns out it wasn’t a scam we had really won an award. There it was on their website, as clear as day, ‘Winner – Godemiche – Adult Shop Of The Year’.

Godemiche Prestige Awards Adult Toy Store Of The Year Winner 2020 2021 Adam Shocked Monika Licking Press Image

We are honoured that anyone would take time out of their day to nominate and then vote for us. For a small, family run business this means a lot to us, it means a lot to our team and drives us all to be just that little bit better every day.

We have a great Godemiche team and we’re lucky to have a great Godemiche community, so here’s to another year of changing the world one dildo (or butt plug) at a time.

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