Friday Finds #6

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Here we go again. Time for Friday Finds #6 where we bring you a round-up of interesting bits and pieces we have discovered on travellers round the internet in the last couple of weeks starting with…

How To Be A Good Kisser: The Complete Guide

We recently published our own guide to kissing which included a video we made to go alongside it. Warning: Contains scenes of kissing so it was kind of funny to stumble across this cool piece in Refinary 29. It is a nice little guide but we have to say we think ours is more comprehensive but then we would say that wouldn’t we?

The Angel Long Podcast

If you have not listened then you should but the episode we are linking to is the one that features us. We were delighted to be the first sex toy company to be featured on this podcast too and we had so much fun recording this with Angel.

gbsexpert Instgram Live with Monika

Yes this is another one that features us, well Monika only this time talking about sex positivity, sex education and spicing up your sex life with Rebecca Dakin.

Strapping Up: A Guide to Strap-On Harness Styles by Being the Little Spoon

Looking for some advice on buying a strap on harness. Then check out this fabulous post by Daisy where features a number of different options but also keep your eyes open for the picture that features one of our beautiful Ambit dildos. Thank you to Daisy for including our product in her guide.

Dr. Ruth Says There’s “No Age Limit” for Sex

How could we not include this little snippet about the famous Dr Ruth and her championing senior sex lives. Part of being body and sex positive is advocating that everyone is entitled to a happy and healthy sex life that works for them regardless of whether they are 18 or 90+. So yay for Dr Ruth’s advice.

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