Summer date ideas

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It has been a long winter and spring. Longer than usual for many people who have spent much of that time in Lockdown, not able to see friends or family and certainly not able to go out on a date. Even if you live with your partner going on a date has pretty much meant moving from the dining table to the sofa to watch a movie or heading out for a walk in the countryside but with things opening up and the weather (hopefully) improving now is the time to plan some fun and different summer dates.

Don’t forget dating is not just for couples. There is absolutely no reason why you can’t do any of these following ideas with your best friend, or your mum, or even maybe on your own. A date for one where you get to do exactly what you want to do, is just a good a date as one you share with someone.

We know we are a sex shop and that this should really be a list of sexy dates but having struggled ourselves this year with spending time together as a couple we have realised that all dates are sexy dates if you they give you time to have fun together and connect with your person.

Go to an outdoor movie

There are quite a few of few of this springing up around the UK this summer. Some of them are open air cinema where you need to bring a blanket or picnic chairs and possibly an umbrella if it happens to be one of ‘those’ summer evenings or there are the drivin’ kind where an umrella is not required because you watch from your car. You can also take your doggo to these ones but you can’t take your own picnic. Either way, this is a fun way to watch a classic movie in a different surroundings. If there is not one near you listed then try googling open air cinema and then your local area because there are a quite a few small local companies running movie nights in various locations.

Fruit Picking

Again Google is your friend but if you put in pick your own and your local area then you will be able to find what is on offer near to you. Many pick your own farms now have a cafe or restuarant on site along side a shop so why not make a proper summer date of it and pick yourself some succulant fruits and then maybe have a little lunch or what about a glorious afternoon tea.

Head to the seaside

Did you know that no where in the UK is more that approx 70 miles from the sea? The villiage of Elms in Derbyshire is the furtherest point from the coast anywhere in the UK so if you don’t live there then you live closer to the sea than 70 miles. There is 7,723 miles of beautiful coastline around the UK for you to potentially explore so whether you fancy a coastal walk along cliff tops, a beach or a seaside town with fish and chips and arcades ththe UK coastline has something for everyone. And the sea is well known for it’s calming and restorative properties so why not set a whole day aside for a special seaside summer date.

Go on a cooking course

With social distancing still a thing you don’t actually need to do anywhere at all to access this one as there are now tons of online cooking courses that you can sign up for. From breadmaking to burgers and everything in between there is a cookery course out tere to suit you and your date. This one is almost like to two dates because you can easily spend a fun evening planning together the course you are going to sign up for and then the actual course itself.

Spend the night in a woodland lodge

This one is definitely one of the more expensive options on the list and so for some people will definitely be out of the running but if you can get away mid week you can actually get some OK deals. Again, Google is your friend but there are woodland lodge resorts all over the UK from Epping Forest to the Isles of Scotland. You can even spend a night at the night at the Zoo which come with 3 hours after-hours exclusive zoo tour and a breakfast and dinner among other things.

Garden Iglo

No social distancing is required with this one because your experience is bought right into your home. There are lots of different iglo options to pick from now, from movie nights to hot tubs and even dinner nights with food and drink. Again this one may involve some budgeting and saving but it is definitely a summer date night experience you will not forget in a hurry.

Go local

With traveling still an issue focus your mind on local fun things you can do together suring the summer. Maybe your local park has a boating lake or is there an icecream shop in town you have always wanted to try? What about a walk in local woodlands or visiting a gallery or museum. So often we forget about the things right on our doorstep in favour of adventuring further afield but when was the last time you went to your local library or swam in your local pool. Maybe you are even lucky enough to have an outdoor pool or lido near you.

The real key to all these summer dates is to think about trying something new and different and that dates can be way more than just dinner or lunch for two. They can be as expensive as you want to make or absolutely free. They can be an hour in the park or a whole weekend. Just spend some time together planning and and making a list of things you would love to do and then make them happen.

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