London Alternative Market – We are back!


We’re going back to LAM! Not sure what LAM is? It is London Alternative Market and traditionally takes place in London on the 1st Sunday of the month but obviously Covid put paid to that for a while. But now it is back and so are we.

Yes that’s right this Sunday (5th September 2021) we will be attending the London Alternative Market also known as LAM and we are so fucking excited.

What is LAM?

That is a very good question especially if you have never been before.  Whilst it is basically a fetish market it is actually way more than that. It is a social event. A place to meet and make friends. A place to learn about kink. And yes a place to buy stuff too. This is what LAM says about itself on their website….

“LAM is a great place to come and find out about alternative lifestyles, and to meet and socialise with those with similar interests. All our events are “Kink+”, meaning that we are open to all genders and sexualities who accept kink as a positive influence on our lives. We do not care what you have between your legs, who you want between your legs, or even if you have *anything* between your legs, we aim to provide an environment that is accepting and welcoming of all kinks and individuals.”

What will I see at a fetish market?

Well, most fetish markets are a combination of three different things.


Expect to see a wide variety of kinky things from sex toys (wink wink), impact toys; floggers and paddles, clothing; latex, leather or material, custom made furniture; spanking benches crosses even jewellery and shoes the list really does go on and on of what you can find at a fetish market. If you are planning on going to a fetish market then I would recommend checking out the event’s website to see what businesses will be attending.

This month’s LAM traders. Not going to lie, I’m looking forward to seeing High Tied and Persephonie Ncredible two new company’s I’ve never seen before.


A great place to go and learn something new is at a workshop! Talks are given about a wide range of things by people who know their shit. I’ve even given a talk on Pegging. Some past workshops have been on spanking, rope play, strap ons, Dominant Submissive Dynamics, Electric play, and even Canning.

Again check your fetish events website for details on workshops that are being presented and what time.

Social/After Party

Every fetish market we have ever been it is a hive of social activity where friends are meeting, friends are being made, fetishes are being discussed, drinks are drunk and food is eaten.

The after party is a great place to go and enjoy a little spanking play or just to politely watch others play as you enjoy a drink. The after party will have rules, especial in the dungeon, these rules are to be followed for EVERYONE’S safety and to ensure that everyone enjoys the night.  

If you’re coming to LAM and staying for the social please read the Dungeon Rules and Party Protocol even if you do not intend to do downstairs to the dungeon. Also please note that unlike in the past, you can’t just turn up to LAM you must by a ticket in advance and also being able to show a negative lateral flow test is a condition of enter.

So if you’re planning on going to a fetish event have fun and come say hi. We look forward to meeting everyone again this weekend.

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