2021 – A Year in Review

Collage of blog post images from 2021 for Year in review post

And what a year it has been. So much so that we are only just now finding time to have a proper look back over it and remind you and ourselves of some of the highlights of this amazing year in the life of Godemiche.

A bit like 2020 this year has had some unique challenges with the ongoing pandemic causing issues with child care and supply chain issues too but we also bought exciting new products to market and won an award! So let’s take a look 2021 – A Year in Review


As well as starting the year with some bargain Inventory Drop Sale items that were sold out within a couple of weeks we also published out fun What Colour Says About Your Sexy Self quiz.


The month of love and whilst it was the first year that we did not make a special Valentines product or colour line we did publish is amazing Love Letter to the Ambit written by Violet Fawkes and February was also the month when we added the most beautiful blue to our colour collection in the form of Reefs Water


Was a fairly busy month. We had our annual Easter Egg Hunt. We said goodbye to the Autumn/Winter Pantn’Moan and revealed and asked you to name the new seasons colour range and we were very excited to add the Balancelle strap-on harness to our shop.


This was a busy behind the scenes month for us with development work taking place but we did launch 6 new beautiful pearly pastel colours to mark it being Easter and also posted a lot of fun stuff on the blog but our favourite piece that month was the one about Mutual masturbation and why you should wank with your partner


We love making our Youtube videos but last year things got in the way and we didn’t make as many as we have in past years but we did make one that we are particularly fond of; Kissing


The summer here and much to our amazement we won Adult Shop of the Year from Prestige Awards. It was a wonderful surprise and we were delighted that someone decided to nominate us and that turned into us winning. June was also the month when we published our Complete Guide to Pegging for Beginners because we LOVE pegging!


Now July was a fairly intense month of highs and lows for us. We celebrated our 5th Independence day with our traditional annual big sale and we also introduced vibrating soft toys into our range but there was also a very big low in July when the roof on our office/workshop had a fairly severe leak and lots of our stock was damaged. It also left our work space damp and we had to bring in dehumidifiers in order to dry the place out. Sadly just when we though it was fixed it happened again causing more damage and more loss. July was definitely a challenging month for us but happily the roof seems to now be watertight.


August is always a busy behind the scenes month for us as we try to prepare for the remainder of the year and work on things for Halloween and Christmas etc so as a result we didn’t have any major things happen publicly that month although we did run our very first Buy Three Toys for the Price of Two promotion.


And onto September and that was the month that we launched our exclusive Peachhes Collection. All our toys for sale in 5 colours that Peachhes herself selected and named. We had the most amazing time working with her on the collection and the images we created to do with with are just phenomenal. September was also the month that we launched the first three Grind Ring textures. We had been working on this toy for nearly three years and finally having a finished product ready to sell was an amazing conclusion to all that work.


The month of Halloween saw our exclusive Halloween colours and also the launch of an additional Grind Ring texture; The Spikes. Oh and of course it was Black Friday time too.


As we raced towards the end of the year we launched another Grind Ring texture in the form of the Pyramids and of course it was time to put our Saucy Secret Santa boxes back up for sale.


And then it was almost time to bid farewell to 2021 but before it disappeared altogether we worked our little butts off getting our all your orders to you before Christmas but we also couldn’t let the year finish without launching just one more product and that was the XI-F which is the XI but with lots more girth

Writing this out is an amazing process for us to look back and see just some of the major milestones of the past year. I wonder what 2022 will look like? Pop back in January 2023 to find out.

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